Green Finance Broker AG

About us

If you want to make more of yourself and your life, Green Finance is the right place for you!

Green Finance Broker AG offers great programs, office expense allowances and trainings on a wide range of topics.

Green Finance history

Mission Statement

Field of activity Services

Directors Managers


In the summer of 2015, five experienced veterans from the world of financial services laid the foundations for Green Finance GmbH (now ImmoWerte GmbH). The aim of the founding members was to create more attractive product solutions for consumers on the one hand and benefits for business partners (now the Green Business Partners) on the other.

In particular, this includes fair, transparent and permanent commission settlement and no reversal of commission, as is common in the brokerage of life insurance policies. In addition, all outstanding commissions are transferred punctually every month until the end of the contract (in some cases for up to 25 years), even when the activity ends.

With the years of success, the additional benefits for Green Business Partners have also been greatly expanded, such as office subsidies, the Dream Car program, incentives and free promotional items.

The ambitious targets defined at the time in accordance with Green Vision 2020 were even exceeded by far in some cases.

A particular distinction of Green Finance is the consistency of its employees, management and directors.

All founding directors are still working for Green Finance and are fully motivated to continue the expansion.

The business areas of Green Finance now include the provision of innovative management and administrative services (Green Finance Broker AG), real estate development (ImmoWerte GmbH), the operation of Green Business Centers (Green Business Center Wien GmbH, Green Business Center Linz GmbH, Green Business Center Graz GmbH), a separate hospitality department (Green Castle Hantberg GmbH and Green Hotel Römerstein GmbH), litigation financing (LVA24 Prozessfinanzierung GmbH) and a financing and insurance agency (Zenith GmbH).

2 people discuss something with each other
Meeting with notebook at the table
Meeting picture with model of the GBC Vienna on the table
Group photo of the directors of Green Finance
Visualisation of the MEG Weng using a 3D model
3d visualisation of the GBC Vienna
Das Gebäude GBC Linz von vorne
Green Business Center Graz
Schloss Hantberg
MEG Mauerkirchen
Luftaufnahme des Hotel Römerstein




















€ 1 billion





Green finance targets up to the year 2030



and promote further training.
and act without being asked.
and seize our opportunities.


towards our goals.
towards Green Finance.
towards our customers.


speak and act positively.
think in a solution- and result-oriented way.


and shine like winners.
and live the vision.
and continue to develop.


and laugh every day.
and help people achieve happiness.
and are financially independent.


and never give up.
and learn from experience.
and are focused and efficient.


and create sustainable customer relationships
and generate passive income.
and share successes.


Green Finance Broker AG is home to over 7,800 business partners in six countries. The business partners represent our sustainable “Green Mission” to the outside world.

Anyone who wants to make more of themselves and their life and become successful as an independent business partner is very welcome. Green Finance Broker AG stands for innovative management and administrative services with a clear focus on sustainable business strategies.

“Green finance is a way of life: whether it’s producing energy from the sun or the sustainable construction or renovation of real estate. We also think about future generations through active and considered action.

As a business partner, you can draw on the full range of possibilities here: great incentive trips to the most beautiful places in the world, working on ambitious goals with like-minded people and financial support for offices or a car program that makes a “dream car” possible at company expense.

Green Business Partners build a sustainable business model: A transparent management plan, fair commission distributions, the creation of passive income and comprehensive, in-depth training in a wide range of areas are the basis for sustainable success.

Green Finance Directors & Managers

The Green Finance Directors are the pillars of our success. Motivated partners, a good working atmosphere, high-quality training and support for the Green Business Partners – that’s what our management team stands for. Our managing directors have expertise in a wide range of areas and therefore offer a wealth of specialist knowledge for the perfect success concept.

As COO of the Green Finance Group and CEO of Green Finance Broker AG, Michael Kottnig uses his specialist knowledge, vision and strong communication skills to drive forward sales management, corporate development and strategic orientation in a targeted manner. With 20 years of experience as a state-certified investment advisor and academic financial services provider, he knows how to analyze markets, identify opportunities and develop companies in a targeted manner.

His ability to build strong partnerships and shape international business relationships makes him a central interface within Green Finance. As an important point of contact for all business partners, he creates trusting connections and promotes sustainable cooperation. Born in Styria, he focuses on innovation, long-term growth and future-oriented corporate management.

Accurate and timely accounting is an important and essential building block for a functioning business.

With his know-how and vast experience, Michael Kaiserseder manages the financial accounting department in Austria and is the commercial manager for the entire Green Finance Group.

As an expert in the areas of administration, clearing and accounting and with his personal strengths, accuracy and professionalism, he is the ideal CFO. He also manages the highly successful equipment financing and trading department at Green Finance.

He has been one of the main pillars of Green Finance from the very beginning and is an initiator, founder, shareholder and creative designer. From the idea of “Green Finance” to the orientation and definition of corporate values, right through to the establishment of the sales organization, Green Finance also owes its current success to him. He set a milestone in the history of Green Finance with his business idea of legal cost financing for customers who had suffered losses at the hands of insurance companies and banks. Frühauf was the first Senior Business Director entitled to the Alpha Pool participation. His successes speak for themselves.

With 26 years of professional experience in the insurance and investment consulting industry, Gerald Frühauf is an absolute specialist in the field of financing.

When Walter Schuster joined Green Finance, valuable milestones were achieved in qualitative areas such as training and leadership quality, in addition to new sales dimensions. He has already accompanied several business partners to director level and has therefore played a major role in Green Finance’s international expansion into new countries. Green Finance’s business partners particularly appreciate his reliability and assertiveness, coupled with his professionally established infrastructure.

Since 2012, Markus Jäkel has been working as a state-certified investment advisor and has made a lasting contribution to the success of the Green Finance Group due to his experience in the financial sector as well as in the areas of employee training and sales. As a founding member, Markus Jäkel has been instrumental in the success of Green Finance since the “zero hour”. His level-headed manner and ability to work with people make him a role model for many Green Business Partners. For him, Green Finance is much more than sustainable financial planning. His goal, together with his team, is to create sustainable, intergenerational values.

22 years in the financial services sector make Ivo Ljubas a key director in Green Finance. The specialist for sales and coaching started his professional career with an apprenticeship as an insurance salesman and he is also a state-certified investment advisor. In addition to his work as a financial services provider, Ljubas has been devoting himself since 2009 to several wind energy and photovoltaic projects. As a founding member of the Green Finance, he strengthens the company’s sustainability concept with his wide-ranging know-how in the energy and finance sectors.

Since 2011, state-certified investment advisor Thomas Hauer has dedicated himself exclusively to financial services. After working for various financial companies, he has been an integral part of the Green Finance management team since 2015. Thomas Hauer is particularly characterized by his service mindset – for him, the wishes of customers and their financial growth come first. This makes him the key driver when it comes to improving Green Finance’s service quality.

Dank seiner Fähigkeit, mit Menschen zu kommunizieren und sie zu Höchstleistungen zu motivieren, hat Thomas Hauer in seinen zwei Jahren bei Green Finance eine Bilderbuchkarriere hingelegt und ist zu einer tragenden Säule des Unternehmenserfolgs geworden.

He excels in diligence and respectful interaction with his team members and he reaches out to many new partners and customers through his professional presence in social media.

Thanks to his energy, ability to express his thoughts and his impact, Danijel Peric not only managed to reach the director level, but he is also a true role model for his equally strong team. This is the result of irrepressible will and discipline. His commitment to Green Finance is absolutely exemplary and the sales growth with his team is exceptional.

At the age of 22, Hashim Soliman was the youngest Business Partner to reach director level and is therefore credible proof for many young people that they can achieve a position of responsibility within Green Finance at an early age. His calmness and poise as well as his ability to make de-escalating and fact-based decisions in stressful situations are exemplary and a further testimony to his analytical mind and maturity.

Philipp Brejcha has been working as a commercial investment advisor since 2007 and is an expert in the field of financial services. He is fluent in Czech and Slovak as well as German and English. After joining the Green Finance Group in 2018, he achieved in a very short time the level of Business Director and thanks to his commitment, he is now one of the shareholders of Green Finance Group AG. In addition to the success of his team in Austria, he is also primarily responsible for the expansion of the Green Finance Group in Slovakia. His motto is “class not mass” and he continues to implement this motto successfully.

After a total of 20 years in the banking and insurance sector, Monika Stasek’s path led her to Green Finance. After just a short time, she became the first woman to join the ranks of the directors.

She shows her love for people every day in the company, where she always has an open ear for the concerns of her colleagues and is happy to offer advice and support.

What began for Oliver Bachmann as a short language stay in Italian-speaking Switzerland became his home and the foundation of an impressive career. After more than 30 years in the financial sector, he boldly decided to become self-employed in 2021 and has since shown that true success comes above all from conviction, perseverance and the right team spirit.

As Business Director of the Green Finance Group, he inspires people with new opportunities and his positive attitude. With vision and commitment, he has decisively shaped the structures in Italian-speaking Switzerland and continues to drive their sustainable success with new impetus.

FAQ’S- company

What is the philosophy of the Green Finance Group?

At Green Finance, sustainability is understood as a holistic approach that is anchored in all relevant subject areas and is comprehensively based on all important aspects of sustainability. This includes various areas such as ecological, economic and social sustainability. The philosophy is not only focused on environmental protection or energy saving, but also on social justice, responsible use of resources, economic stability and long-term quality of life; the fields of activity of Green Finance are primarily valuable real estate and renewable energies. Green Finance Broker AG acts as a tipster for various issuers to whom Green Finance Broker AG introduces persons who might be interested in their offer. The activities of Green Finance Broker AG exclusively comprise the identification and notification of potential interested parties to a licensed financial services provider or directly to an issuer. Green Finance Broker AG does not provide any investment services, in particular investment advice, portfolio management or other services requiring a license pursuant to Section 3 WAG. The data of interested parties are made available exclusively to the licensed financial service provider or issuer. Green Finance Broker AG has no influence whatsoever on the content or results of the contact between named interested parties and licensed financial service providers or issuers. Green Finance Broker AG provides management and administrative services to Green Business Partners with a clear focus on sustainable economic strategies. Would you like to do more with your life? Then perhaps a career as a Green Business Partner is for you. You can expect great incentives, a unique Dream Car program as well as fair commissions and a structured training system.

How does the Green Finance Group differ from other companies in the financial services sector and what special advantages does it offer?
  1. Strong focus on sustainability: The Green Finance Group pursues a comprehensive sustainability strategy in its core areas of real estate, renewable energies and sustainable investments. It pays attention to environmentally friendly standards, such as minimizing soil sealing and cooperating with nature conservation and monument protection organizations on real estate projects.
  2. International focus and network: With over 6,900 cooperation partners in six countries and more than 54,300 customer relationships, the Green Finance Group offers an international platform and network that provides investors and partners with stability and growth opportunities in the global market
  3. Social commitment: The Green Finance Group is involved in social projects, such as supporting children’s cancer charities and facilities for seriously ill children. Through donations and participation in charitable projects, the company demonstrates a strong sense of social responsibility and builds positive relationships with the communities in which it operates
  4. Innovative mobility strategies: As part of its “Green Mission”, the Group is increasingly focusing on electromobility. As of 2022, 54% of its vehicle fleet had already been converted to hybrid or electric drives. The aim is to increase this factor to 75% by 2024 and thus minimize its ecological footprint
  5. Revitalization and value enhancement in real estate projects: The Green Finance Group focuses on revitalizing old buildings and developing them into modern, affordable living and working spaces. In doing so, it contributes to the upgrading of urban areas and at the same time supports sustainable construction methods that rely on recycling and the use of existing resources.

These approaches make the Green Finance Group an attractive partner for investors who focus on sustainability, international growth and social responsibility.

What are incentives and in what form are they at Green Finance Broker AG?

At the Green Finance Group, hard work is truly rewarded! Incentive means incentive. From an entrepreneurial point of view, this refers to incentives that motivate business partners on the one hand and give people a deeper insight into the company’s future business strategies on the other. For this reason, Green Finance organizes regular incentive trips where the best business partners travel to the most beautiful places in the world. Each business partner has the opportunity to exchange ideas with the management and successful business partners and to benefit from their know-how and experience. In its relatively young company history, Green Finance has been to the Caribbean, Dubai, Cambodia, Rome, Malaga and Ibiza, to name but a few.

The aim of Green Finance incentive trips is to work on the careers of individual business partners in a wonderful atmosphere, to strengthen the company philosophy, to promote team spirit and to take advantage of the opportunity to receive practical tips from the very best in the company on how to implement them.

There is something suitable for every business partner. Relaxing on the beach, visiting cultural highlights and going on excursions are just as much a part of the program as partying and really stepping on the gas together. Ultimately, it is important to Green Finance that every business partner receives real added value.

What exactly does the Green Finance Group do?

The Green Finance Group is active in the fields of real estate development, renewable energies and capital investments, focusing on sustainable and ecological approaches. The Green Finance Group relies on a sustainable, diversified business model that takes equal account of the environment, its investors and society:

  1. Real estate projects and revitalization: Green Finance buys and develops real estate, in particular through the revitalization and sustainable use of old buildings. Green Finance relies on environmentally friendly methods such as the recycling of building materials and compliance with strict ecological standards. For example, old buildings have been converted into residential and commercial space in order to promote local development and make sustainable use of existing resources
  2. Promotion of renewable energies: Green Finance integrates renewable energy solutions into its projects, including photovoltaics and environmentally friendly mobility. A large part of its company fleet is being converted to e-vehicles to improve its carbon footprint and reduce its environmental footprint
  3. Litigation financing: Green Finance supports people in financing the legal costs of enforcing their claims, thereby fulfilling its social responsibility in addition to its entrepreneurial profit motive by offering economically weaker people support in enforcing their claims, which they would otherwise not be able to pursue.

Social commitment: Green Finance is also active in charitable projects and supports organizations such as the Upper Austrian Children’s Cancer Aid and the Lichtblickhof for seriously ill children. Green Finance collects donations and supports social projects, which strengthens its role as a socially responsible company.

What exactly is the MEG- Mauerkirchen project?

The MEG Mauerkirchen project is one of the Green Finance Group’s real estate projects. It is an old furniture store that has been converted and developed into a high-quality residential complex with 38 apartments. Using low-energy construction methods, with a large photovoltaic system, a playground on the roof of the building and a green atrium in the residential complex, this property is one of the most beautiful residential options in the entire district. The property was fully let within 1.5 years.

In which areas does the Green Finance Group practice sustainability?

Real estate projects focus on revitalization of existing buildings instead of new construction. By involving local communities in the process as well as organizations for the protection of nature and historical monuments, we add value to the society. Renewable resources such as the sun and the valuable and renewable raw material wood are used to generate energy. Pioneer project in this area is the Green Business Center Linz. The building uses air heat pump, which heats the building during winter months and cools the offices in summer. Sustainability is exercised in many other areas, for example with the 1000 Trees Program or the Dream Car Program, which focuses on hybrid and electric mobility.

How is Green Finance Group AG doing and what results were achieved in calendar year 2024?

The annual Green Business Report contains the most important key figures. Starting with the assets, followed by the revenues up to the EBIT, one can find all relevant figures that prove the economic success of the Green Finance Group.