
Journal November 2023


On Thursday, November 23rd, this year’s expansion highlight of the Peric management took place at 8. Mai Straße 28 in Klagenfurt. The new Green Finance office, headed by Junior Business Manager Christian Aigner, opened its doors to almost 50 business partners from various federal states.

The opening ceremony was superbly organized and there were some great speeches, all of which made it clear that extremely ambitious people are at work here. Among those present were Michael Kottnig, COO; Senior Business Director Walter Schuster and Business Directors Hashim Soliman and Danijel Peric.

In keeping with our philosophy, a raffle was also held, where € 1,850 was donated to the Carinthia Children’s Cancer Aid. Green Finance is happy to double this amount to support the children. After the opening ceremony, we continued on to a club in Klagenfurt, where this great day ended in the early hours of the morning with great conversations and lots of motivation.

In addition to office space, the office in Klagenfurt also includes training and meeting rooms for various customer and recruitment meetings. An office where clients and business partners feel at home and which offers everything they need for a successful and sustainable green finance career.

We wish Christian Aigner and his team every success in their new, fantastic office in Klagenfurt!